Downloading the videos

To download the videos, you just need one of the following programs (free): IDM (internet download manager), Ant, RealPlayer (version 11 or superior), or JDownloader.

Para baixar os vídeos precisas ter um dos seguintes programas gratuitos: IDM (internet download manager), Ant, Realplayer (versão 11 em diante), ou o JDownloader.

Pour télécharger les vidéos on a besoin d'utiliser l'un de ces programmes-ci (ils sont gratuits): IDM (internet download manager), Ant, Realplayer, ou JDownloader.

Si quieres descargar los videos, necesitas tener uno de estes programas: IDM (internet download manager), Ant, Realplayer, o JDownloader.

Per scaricare i video è necessario avere uno dei seguenti programmi gratuiti: IDM(internet download manager), Ant, RealPlayer (versione 11 in poi), o JDownloader.

sexta-feira, 15 de julho de 2011

Art - arte

(this is my favourite one: I don't know who's the artist, but, man, I'm your fan!!!)

I've found these works at and I really loved them. Specially the first 3 drawings are amazing (by the way, my favorite is the 2nd one).

Let me know if you like them, and if you have your owns or just want to share men's drawings you like, please send me by e-mail.

a lustful hug!

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